Each of the galleries includes a selection of my photographs that more-or-less comply with the title of the gallery. It is important to distinguish the images in “Illusions & Delusions” and some of those in “Shadows” and “Abstract & Constructed” from the images in all the other galleries. The images in these three galleries may have been purposefully altered using digital editing software.
The images in all of the other galleries may have been “retouched,” as it were, to enhance the image (e.g., brightness, color saturation, minor cropping of extraneous material). However, no substantial alterations have otherwise been made. The images from each of the galleries emanate from my hands and eyes. But they are captures of events, generally not in my control, at a moment in time and space.
Currently there are seventeen (17) different galleries – that is, collections of photographs captured by me, based on their subject matter and/or the technique of capture -- Black & White, for example. Some images may appear in more than one gallery, but that is a rare occurrence.
Due to the number of galleries and the number of images in each gallery, only 6 galleries are displayed on the website at any one time, and within each gallery, generally the number of images varies between 10 and 15 images on display at any given time ... with some exceptions (eg."Flora"). The galleries will rotate, with one leaving and one coming on display on a more-or-less irregularly scheduled basis. The images within each gallery may also rotate on a varying basis depending on the number of images in he "waehouse.".
Following is the full list of Galleries:
Abstract & Constructed Places
Africa Portraits
Black & White (B&W) Reflections
Flora Scapes
Haiku Scenes
Illusions & Delusions Shadows
Light Patterns Still Life
Out & About Trees & Forests
Patterns, Textures & Details
“Places” is a collection of a limited number of photographs from “places” where I have been, with an eye to something iconic and something more pedestrian, as it were. Each image is labeled, first, with the locale.
All of the images are available for purchase in print or digital format. Please see “Purchasing.”